Agriculture Sector in Tanzania

In both our management consulting and transaction advisory sides of the business, we do a lot in the Agriculture space in Tanzania. We have worked with multinationals focusing on value addition for local consumption (edible oil), horticulture exporters, input providers, smaller players active in processing and selling branded high value specialty cash crops, and a host of other industry players. We are extremely bullish on the long term potential of the sector to support livelihoods, generate FOREX and revenues for the government, and otherwise become a more important player in the global food space.

When creating this infographic, it was challenging to pick what data and information to display, given the dynamic nature of the industry. From the massive size and scale of key low value commodity crops, to the global importance of TZ in various cash crops, to a burgeoning horticulture sector, and a nascent livestock industry- the variety of the agribusinesses in Tanzania is unique and compelling. 

Challenges in and of themselves are opportunities, and we look forward to being a part of how the private sector drives changes and capitalizes on opportunities in the agriculture industry in the years to come.

Agriculture Tanzania
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